Viktor Shel about Jesus Christ

Discussion with the author about his recent book


I am not [talking] right now about the particular number of coins and what kind of coins. We don’t have exactly this, that is how I explained this. But what we do know. We know this money (that sources say) this money was spent to buy the plat for burying dead, for society. It mean, Jesus was betrayed, Judas got the money.  But Judas did not use that money for himself – first.

Second, in Bible is written that Judas dyed very soon after death of Jesus, I that understood this way – that Judas knew that he complete purpose of his life and he did not need to live further. More, because people right now and at that time believed, that it is the heaven and it is the soul of people coming to heaven. And he knew that he got order from Jesus, it mean in heaven they know that he is not guilty. He wanted as soon as possible that his soul will go to heaven and enjoy rest of the life.


Jesus did not require Judas to die. He could live. But he would live with the bad name, with the curse. 

Let me say it this way, on the Earth nothing would live from the person, the person live forever in memory. And in memory live name. That’s why name, good name is so important.Interview with Viktor Shel

The betrayal

The issue of betrayal itself. Why the devoted supporter of Jesus betrayed him. And I think that was because Jesus decided that he needed to create new religion. He needed to bring as much as possible attention to creator among the all people in the world.

Why Judas

By no special reason it become Judas. First of all he needed to choose someone. And he could not choose some stranger because he needed a person who knew him good. But below it could not Judas, it could be every one of his apostles. It should be the person (how I understood) it should be the person who did not have a family, who did not have the hairs and was not afraid that his name will be bad name forever.

How many years will people believe in God they will know that it was such bad person and think about him the worst way. Because of this, I think that Jesus looked for the youngest one, who didn’t the family, who didn’t have any one, attachment, and who was very very close to him and very much believe him, and do whatever Jesus will ask.

No special other reasons could be. Because everyone else was older than him. And had some roots in society and may be was very much thinking about his own name. Just person who didn’t have any roots could be such.

Jesus was real

I think so, I think that he existed. First of all we have right now the archeology support that Jesus Christ was existed. We know that the science, not official science, but science support this for sure – Jesus was existed. If Jesus was existed, and in all book, every one book say that Judas was one of his apostles. And we know for sure that other apostles , for example, the Apostol Piter,  existed. I believe that Judas existed too.

2017 years ago

that time, the whole Judea was province of Rome, as the far promise the main thing for Judea was to bring some taxes to Rome. And those taxes every time were more and more, Rome needed more. And that become feeling of the people that they are suppressed. They could live better if they were free from Romans. But at the same time the upper plat of society knew that Rome had big army and any kind of turbulence will bring a lot of blood, a lot of violence. And they tried to suppress any bad feeling in people and say, be quite, do what they ask, give them what you got to give them.

And Because of this Jesus was very dangerous for that portion of society, for the upper class society. He was very very dangerous. And he knew this. 

And I think that was because Jesus decided that he needed to create new religion. He needed to bring as much as possible attention to Creator among all people in the world.



Judas Iscariot. It seems inconceivable that Judas acted out of mercenary considerations, and thus he saw the Son of the God in suffering and in death. It is impossible that when Jesus appointed Judas as the apostle, Jesus would not recognize his essence. WHY HE BETRAYED JESUS presents the conclusion that Judas acted on the instructions of Jesus, who set the goal of sacrificing himself to provide an eternal paradise for the souls of sinless people.

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